Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

Best 90 day program!
I bought this on the Body Revolution website (cheaper). But I thought I would write a review here so that you have an idea of what you are getting. I lost 23 pounds, 32 inches, and 2 pant sizes on the program. I did not follow the meal plan, but restricted my calorie intake to 1200-1600 calories per day.

There are 15 dvds (12 strength, 3 cardio). Each workout is 4 circuits and 25-35 minutes. The cardio dvds include a single circuit repeated 3 times. You change strength dvds every 2 weeks and cardio dvds each month. You workout 6 days per week (2 days of cardio and 4 days of strength). The cast on these dvds are great. Their form is usually really good (but it depends on who you are following). Jillian is really tough, but the results are there! I remember the first time she had us do push-up jacks, I could only do 1. After two weeks, I could do the entire 30 sec interval of push-up jacks.

If you have bad knees, this might not be for you (especially phase 3)...

Fantastic workout! Great DVDs! Jillian rocks! BUT not a beginner workout so beware.
I've only had this set for about a week. I started with workout 1 and have been alternating in sets of 3 per the included guide so workout 1, workout 2, cardio, then back to workout 1. I am not following the enclosed diet plan as it just doesn't suit my needs but I do eat as healthy as possible since I have high cholesterol (lots of veggies, very low saturated fats, watching the carbs, eating lean meats, etc.) As far as the DVDs themselves go, I love Jillian's attitude. I love the way she likes to have fun with her workout group on the DVDs and isn't afraid to shout at and motivate her people. It's a very positive environment that Jillian's created but she's also honest and says flat out when one of the exercises is gonna suck.

Couple of points: 1) you will want a good set of dumb bells. I bought a set here on Amazon and they're very nice, 2lb to 5lb. Go heaver if you're used to using weights in your workouts. 2) you will need some kind of exercise stretch cord. Again, I...

Can't say enough good things about this workout program!
I'm a skeptic. I'm also lazy- I didn't like to exercise outside of walking. I love food....healthy whole foods but still I love it and I ate lots of it. I convinced myself that people who exercised daily were just vain control freaks. I just had my 4th baby and was stuck at an unhealthy weight (about 10 pounds over the unhealthy weight I was already at going into the pregnancy). I tried some other easier programs over the years but nothing really made a difference. I would lose a pound and then gain it back. None of those programs really impacted my mindset. For some reason, Jillian hit the jackpot. Maybe I was just ready to do this for myself! I don't know. I think there is something about this program that makes it easier to start and keep up with. Little did I know that...

A) I really would lose almost a dress size in the first week! My sz 10 pants were loosening up. Baggy in the bum and sliding down my hips! Yeah!

B) the benefits of exercising would impact my...

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