Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Episode 3

From tough to watch to tough to forget.
I have been watching a lot of K-dramas lately but this show, once I was in, drew me in more than any other show.

The main couple were fun, cute, frustrating, sweet, tragic, and beautiful. I couldn't get enough of them and was almost desperate to see where their story took them. Putting it lightly, I would have been okay with more than 16 episodes. On the other hand, the older couple, also sweet, were so very funny. The way their story seemed to playfully poke fun at this genre was so entertaining.

This show is worth picking up and definitely work sticking with through to the end. Though I mentioned it's tough to watch starting out, it is entertaining all the way through. I'm sad that it's over but so grateful for having watched it.

Great Tale! (no pun intended)
This is a really adorable fantasy. It is a light and refreshing series. It's not dark, nor jaded. It's delightful and will make you laugh!

I really have to compliment the Korean film makers. Many of the films coming out are just fantastic and in my opinion are far better than the films coming out of our own country. I have watched many movies coming out of Asia and Korea in the genre of the "supernatural" and they put the word "supernatural" back in the genre where it belongs; due to the atmosphere they create through their films. Unfortunately, it's an art Hollywood is forgetting...

I have only watched the first episode so far, but from what I have seen it is suitable for children. Through watching the audience may also learn from a different culture as well as realize that although cultures may seem different; the common thread of humanity runs through all...

Best fantasy series
Um this series is sooo goood. Very cute,very funny, if you pay attention teaches you some about Korean culture. but just a great concept of true love in this jaded world. Loved it

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