Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Confidence is a plant of slow growth.

A fresh take on superheroes
I can't believe this show doesn't have a bigger following. I'd heard some good things about it and decided to go ahead and buy and I am very satisfied with my purchase. I bought this series fully expecting english subtitles, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that Viz had done a great english dub for all of volume one; I haven't watched the volume 2 episodes yet, but I assume it is also dubbed. The story is a very interesting take on some classic super hero tropes, while still executing well on it's own original ideas. There are some great narrative takes on what it means to be a hero, since the universe that surrounds this show forces the heroes to choose between pleasing their sponsors and earning points, and doing the right thing and saving lives. I look forward to seeing more of this series in the future.

A note for the HD version: Episode 4 is currently only available in SD. I'm not sure why that is but hopefully that gets resolved soon.

Very Nice
Nice starter Show. Hope more is released in the future.
This is more like Fox Kids type of show, but adults can watch it and still enjoy it.

This show reminds me of the old Sega arcade games. Lots of action however the action does not take away from the underlying story line. This show is a home run. I love it!

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