Monday, September 16, 2013

Who Do You Think You Are?: Finding Your True Identity in Christ (DVD Sessions)

Mark Driscoll is to biblical wisdom as Richard Simmons is to cage fighting.
When I got an email from Thomas Nelson asking if I'd like an advance copy of Mark Driscoll's new book, I malfunctioned for a second and then deleted the message. Within a day or two I skulked back to my trash folder and sent them my address, knowing that if I read the book I'd have to write this review. Just know from the outset that words basically fail. Starting with the fact that I was sent a copy of anything by Mark Driscoll to review, I can hardly begin to explain my feelings about this book. But don't worry, I'll try!

Once I got past the denial stage of having a Driscoll book in my home and moved into the acceptance stage of reading it and writing this, I knew my involvement with the Seattle therapeutic community would inform the way I read him. I meet a lot of people who have significant spiritual and emotional wounding, and I've gotten to hear the stories of many people who have been involved at Mark Driscoll's church here in Seattle (Mars Hill). The stories out of...

Good Book... If you can get past the difficent theology!
I've always held to the premise that the primary focus of life isn't about "who you are," but "whose you are," and when we come to the understanding about the second the first comes into focus!
For that reason when I first received notification that Mark Driscoll's new book was about to be released I decided to read it for myself. I've read, or think I've read every book/article the man has ever written, and though I've had disagreements with him in the past, sometimes extremely intense disagreements I always read anything he writes. He's an astute observer of people, and the culture in which we live, and if for no other reason than that, what he writes is worth the time. He's always been one that makes me "think," and even though I disagree with him on many things, I've always appreciated him for that.

The book, as with many that have come before, and undoubtedly like many that will come after, seeks to help believers discover who they are in Christ. No one would...

"Who Do You Think You Are: Finding Your True Identity in Christ" by Mark Driscoll
Mark Driscoll's latest book "Who Do You Think You Are: Finding Your True Identity in Christ" is a book dedicated to helping Christians come to a fuller understanding of their identity in Christ. The basis of the book is the idea (and truth) that what most people struggle with today is an identity problem, particularly among Christians. Driscoll seeks to cut through this issue by laying out a Biblical understanding of who Christians are in Christ. Each chapter is individually written about a certain aspect of our identity as Christians. For example, there are chapters on Christians as afflicted, gifted, forgiven, loved, saints, and etc.
I think that Driscoll's thesis that the chief problem among many Christians today is an identity problem is correct. However, I struggled with both his writing and interpretations of this book. Simply put, much of what Driscoll has to offer is not new for most Christians, and the brevity of the individual chapters leaves much to be desired. It is...

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