Monday, September 16, 2013

Merlin: The Complete First Season

A story that starts out simple, but grows deeper and bigger!
I absolutely enjoyed this show. The first episode hit on that the relationship between Merlin, the young magician, and Arthur, the prince of Camelot is essential and very important. As they meet, they both sort of hate each other, but destiny brings them together, like two sides of one coin for a reason. The first episode also made it clear that Magic is forbidden in this land, so it is intriguing to see how everything would turn out. If you give this show a chance, you will be surprised by twists and turns of the events. Unexpected story, like suspense, that's what come to my mind. Everything in the story is important as things will come together and make more sense.

The things I like the best are:

1. Great setting. The castle in this TV show is real and it's astonishing! It is one of the best castles in France. Some scenes also take place in Wales and the woods are so magical. I donno how they do it, but the whole setting, the nature, the castles are very...

Quite possibly the best show of the summer.
That's not saying much, considering that Reality TV seems to be taking over everywhere, and there is NOTHING else on this summer.

It may not be THE-ABSOLUTE-BEST-THING-EVER-ON-TV-EVER!!, but this UK import is pretty darn good. Solid 4 stars. I started watching the first couple on Hulu, and now I'm sort of hooked. I'm usually a wait-to-see-it-on-Hulu person, but I've been flipping on my TV Sunday nights to help get the Nielsen ratings up. I hope this show isn't cancelled, at least they finished out season 1 in the UK! Looking forward to season 2 (i hope!!) and to seeing what these promising actors will do after this!

So, 4 stars for giving me hope in scripted, serialized TV. Thank you, BBC.

EDIT: I forgot to mention what a great family show this is. A few scenes/themes might be a bit scary for smaller children, but there's no language, and I can't remember the last time I saw a show featuring a bunch of 20-somethings who WEREN'T sleeping with...

Fantastic Show !!!! 5 + Stars
This new BBC series Merlin is one of the Best Shows I have ever watched ! I have seen every episode and I live in the US. Have downloaded and watched all the shows. The actors are great and so is Anthony Head as King Uther. Anthony Head as all recall played Giles on Buffy The Vampire Slayer..

It is filled with much magic and fun and great in my opinion for all ages but not too young for it my scare the little ones... All the on location filming from a real castle in France and other sites in the U.K. are amazing . This is a must see series to watch. I have read that it is supposed to be broadcast here in the US soon maybe and will be released on DVD but not known if it will be in Region 1 for US.. If you can find it on the internet and download all the episodes and watch as you are drawn into the story wanting to watch again and again to find out what Meriln's destiny is.....and best of all when you download them ..No Commercials !! YEA!!!

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