Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Snowmen [HD]

Christmas Special
Yes, 5 stars. And I'm not even going to talk about the plot.

Not only was this the best thing on TV in many, many moons, but it was also the best episode of Doctor Who since... possibly as far back as the middle of Season 4. If I've learned anything from past Doctors, it's that it takes about a season for the new actor to become the roll.

In this episode, Matt Smith is the Doctor.

This is the first episode since Moffat took over that I felt like we got to see the Doctor through many different lenses, and that adds to the dynamic and shear scope of the character. (The Amy/Rory side-plot is pivotal in establishing this effect.)

Watch this episode. Then watch it again because it's even better the second time.

Also, I feel I should add that this was the first thing I bought and watched through my new Roku. That thing is awesome.

Straightforward and Heartfelt: The Doctor Returns In This Eco-Friendly Christmas Thriller
Watching the modern Doctor Who one-off specials has certainly become an unexpected Christmas tradition in our home. And each Doctor brings his own spin to the holiday themed episodes. Last year Matt Smith's Doctor took on Dickens in an outer-space interpretation of "A Christmas Carol." It was frenetic and funny, managed to seamlessly blend tragedy with humor, and was emotionally satisfying without being cloying. This year, we had "The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe" (its central plot point borrows from a certain literature classic--I think you can figure out which one). This may well be the most straightforward and heartfelt Christmas special yet. Set in World War II era Britain, Smith helps a family adjusts to what promises to be a painful season by making a perfect getaway experience for the kids. However, with the best of intentions, one of the Doctor's surprises leads to unexpected dangers. The family must work together to ensure their very survival and get back home...

Terrific Twist on Dickens in Who Style
Steven Moffat crafts a beguiling story brought to time-twisting life by the most fun Doctor, yet, in a play on Dicken's classic. Vocalist Katherine Jenkins brings class with her timeless voice and a first-ever acting appearance carried off like a pro. And Matt Smith brings it all to life in a role he now owns lock, stock and barrel. It has reached the point where I can barely look at the guy without chuckling in delight.

If you are new to Who, spend 2-bucks on this one, anyway. Odds are you'll wind up traveling back into time for a look at the 2005 season rebirth of this series that has been timeless since the 60's. Then, if your cable system doesn't offer BBC-America ... demand it for the upcoming new split season starting spring 2011. Cowboy hats are 'cool' ....

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