Why so expensive for so few episodes?
I do love this show but have a complaint about the fact that we are being charged as much for later seasons (7, 8 9)as we were for earlier sets. Earlier seasons were 22 episodes long and ran in the range of 960 minutes. These later seasons are about 690 minutes and fewer episodes. if the seasons are so much shorter the cost should be lower.
Shift Change...
The Ninth Season of "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" opens with a catastrophic two-part story which results in the departure of detectives Goren and Eames, and their boss, from the major case squad. Their replacements are Detectives Nichols (Jeff Goldblum) and Stevens (Saffron Burrows) and a new boss (played by Mary Elizabeth Mastrontonio). The tried and true format of the series remains the same, as the detectives investigate unusual murders, smoke out the intent of the suspects, and try to wring a confession out of them.
Season Nine offers sixteen new episodes and a procession of interesting guest stars. The cases range from mob bosses to serial killers to revenge for old murders, and more. Perhaps most interesting, at least for some viewers, will be the evolving dynamics between the two new detectives. Nichols is the black sheep of a family of doctors, who sometimes seem over-educated for a detective. Stevens is a hardworking single mom, transferring in from the...
Now I recall why I stopped watching...
I'm a huge fan of the original Law and Order-but grew to love Criminal Intent- most especially watching D'Onofrio and Erbe's characters develop. But this season is terrible. Tragic of course in realizing that Goren and Eames were leaving- and then the writing went to hell! Most of these episodes make no sense. "Palimpsest" is possibly the worst-Goldblum overacts the hell out of it (which is nothing new) but there's no clear plot. Other episodes have the detectives telling a women's spouse that she's been cheating on him- the wife's lover is dead-they think her husband did it-so they confront him and leave?? Cue next scene and here's the police, remarkably arriving on time as said husband is beating his wife. L and O may not always have been sticklers for following procedure but this? All I could think if Goren and Eames had this case, they would've bent the rules if they had to, to protect the wive and find the killer. Add to this the pointless addition of Mastrantinio as Captain-who...
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