Thursday, September 26, 2013

Family Matters [HD]

THE BIG C-- Another Excellent Season
If I did not personally know stage 4 cancer patients who are surviving year after year despite being told they are terminal, I would not believe that it was possible for this character to last three seasons. I am also a cancer patient but mine was thankfully caught at a much earlier stage. Nonetheless, the ups and downs she goes through, and the waiting to hear the results of the newest scan or blood tests--these are universal to all cancer patients and the show has them down perfectly.

Despite the above good news for cancer, it still happens that someone suddenly takes a turn for the worse and is dead in a matter of days. Kathy is always perched on that razor's edge, living from test to test but also having to live her life, whatever remains of it.

As marvelous as Hugh Dancy was last season, just as marvelous is guest star Susan Sarandon this season. She plays one of these self help gurus and Kathy wants to go to one of her seminars. All episodes with her...

Continuing Saga
As always, this is sometimes a "laugh out loud" show for me. I find it poignant
and frustrating at times. I would describe this season as being a
cacophony of stories that didn't always come together for me. I
was also put off by the amount of sexual content.

Laura Linney is amazing. The supporting cast is worth the trip. If you ever had breast cancer or any other life threatening disease the story lines help one appreciate the possibilities.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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