"Jack, stop playing with the moon! It's not a toy!"
It took me several days to write this review, seeing as how I'd have to admit to zillions of online strangers how much I love a kid's cartoon. I swear I don't usually watch this stuff! It's not my fault! I just can't stand any more reality shows!
All right, down to business. Other reviews have covered the basics so I'll gloss over them quickly. Four kids--Clay, Kimiko, Raimundo and Omi--are brought to a temple in China, to train as warriors and locate magical artifacts. These artifacts were de-powered and hidden all over the world thousands of years ago, but are regaining their magical potency one by one. The young warriors must find them before they fall into the wrong hands. Those hands belong to an evil boy genius, his nagging ghost mentor, and a host of other interesting villains.
The artifacts give powers to whoever is holding them at the time, and I have to applaud the creators coming up with such an assortment of pleasing things. They can let you talk to...
One Of The Funniest Shows On T.V.!!
I must admit, when i first saw Xiaolin Showdown I couldn't understand a word. Now it is one of my favorites!! I love how Jack Spicer is smart, and yet a fool. Also, I like how Omi can't talk right. Next, Clay's southern accent and metaphors are hilarious! Raimondo I like the most because he is always the one making jokes. And Kimico is a girly-girl, but in battle, she is fierce. Don't think this cartoon is all humor, it is also logical. Buy this DVD and watch the show on cartoon network!!!
Ok ok, I'll admit that I love this show. I never admited it at first in front of my brother or he would rub it in my face.
I like the characters and the way that they have attitude! It's actually just the whole cartoon that is awesome. It's funny and it takes awhile, but you can actually get into the plot (unlike some where it takes like FOREVER). It's just totally and completly AWESOME!!!!!!!! Watch it!!!!
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