I saw this "boxing in a box" kit on sale for $24.77 at my local Walmart this weekend, so, given it's New Year's and all, I thought, "Why not try this?" (This is the Dec. 2012 "model.")
I'm 65, have a sedentary lifestyle, and I am always trying to change that, searching for some activity I actually enjoy and will continue to do. Thus far, it has been more Holy Grail and El Dorado than reality. Just don't seem to stay with anything very long. The longer I do nothing, the less motivated I am to do anything. And so on and on.
Little did I know this was an intro to kick boxing. (LOL at self.) Put on the 1-lb. weighted gloves (they are adjustable, with Velcro, and would fit most users, from skinny to chubby wrists), popped in the DVD--and took off cold.
The instructor (Ms. Huckabee) was accompanied by two women, one of average size and one plus-size. This augured well for me, as I am plus-size. Right away I was confident that I, too, could do this...
Great Workout
I found this at my local Costco for $19.99.
I have to say I'm extremely happy with the DVD, but the caveat is I've only done easiest workout. I'm very particular about how and when cues from the instructor are given and these are great. The cues are given and timed to the beat so you step into the next move. It really helps make smooth and safe transition into the different moves.
None of the moves were joint stressful (to me) and I have a lot of problem joints, though if your strong/fit enough you could easily put more uuummmpph into your moves to get a more powerful workout.
I'd have given this 5 stars except the I found the velcro on the gloves could be chafing. Even when you get the velcro attached well, sometimes the edges of the velcro would chafe, so I highly recommend taking a few moments to attach and adjust the gloves really well.
Punch it out!
Picked this up on amazon cause Weight watchers no longer carries it and I wanted to give it a try. I'm a beginner at this type of thing and thought it might give me a way to get some arm toning in and an option to the treadmill. So far I've done the Level 1 on the DVD and its fine for me for now. I feel that it helps me work up a small sweat and feel like I've gotten a little movement in my day. I haven't tried the other 2 levels yet, so I can say anything about them. I'd say this is a good way to get started in something a little different and punch out your frustrations. The weighted gloves are good, not too heavy, just enough to tone a little. I would recommend this to others.
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