Loved it!
I really enjoyed watching 'Survivor Fiji', not sure why so many people rank it as one of the worst seasons. I've been watching Survivor for over five years now and went back to watch this season. I think it's one of the best. Yes, there are some double cross, and back stabs - but that is what this game brings every season.
Ranked at #23 but...
Even though its probably the worst season ever I'd rather watch this than watch a whole lot of other things so i say if you're a true Survivor Fan than u will buy this season even though its one of the worst so CBS please release the rest of the Survivors please !!!! GO ALL SURVIVOR SEASONS !!!!!!!!!
Survivor favorite!
I wrote a review for this under the wrong season but this is in fact the best season they ever had! Watch Yauman - he is brilliantly! Worth the money! Get this season and enjoy!
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