A haunting Season 5 is well worth buying
Honestly, I think this was the most suspenseful season yet. It is great and you will not be disappointed. Have fun.
Quality has gone way down in this new season
I basically agree with 90% of the previous posters comments.I too was a huge fan of the past few seasons,even going so far as to write the broadcasting channel when it was announced that the show had been definitely cancelled sometime right after the end of last season.Quite a few people had started a sort of petition online,urging other viewers to write the TV channel requesting MORE.
Neddless to say, I was ecstatic to suddenly discover a new season of A Haunting in the new Fall programming, despite a change of channel.I dont know if the show is still done by New Dominion Pictures(who then used to sell the episodes ready to play to the TV channel) but right from the intro I could tell the quality had gone down an awful lot.The deep scary voice was gone, the visuals looked so cheap and fake...It has lost much of its credibility-or possible credibility- to the open minded 28yr old adult i am today.Maybe theyve gained a new, less discerning, audience with little kids...
A Haunting
I also like a good ghost story, especially when it is late at night. I enjoyed the plot as well as the characters. Unfortunate shows like this fail to have a long run because of the nature of subject, I recommend this series for those who do not need a night lite to sleep at night.
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