Totally Cool
Review for part 1
Kamijo lives in Academy City, where people use science to develop supernatural abilities. Kamijo doesn't have any supernatural abilities, other than being able to cancel out supernatural powers. One day he meets a nun called Index. Index holds 103,000 volumes of magic knowledge in her memory. There are a couple of sorcerers form her sect that are after her. Kamijo decides that he's going to protect her. He learns that Index only remembers the past year of her life, and upon fighting the sorcerers, he also learns that her brain can only hold one year of memories. Every year her memories are reset and all that remains is the knowledge of the 103,000 volumes. Kamijo finds a way to save her and prevent her from having to erase her memories. Unfortunately, that's just the beginning of the journey.
This series is a lot of fun. It has a lot of drama, action, and comedy. The animation, voice acting, and soundtrack are all very good. The characters are...
This is one of the shows that got me watching anime
I won't go describe what goes on in the show, others have already done that. Although, it looks like the Amazon reviewer only skimmed through since his description wanders off base. This show is one of my favorites for the action and the humor. It took me a while to get used to Funimation's subs, since they make a few leaps that others don't. For example, they have Kuroko calling Misaka 'Sissy' instead of 'onee-sama'. I guess this is ok, but other companies that did subs for this just left the term of respect the way it was in the subtitles.
Overall, this is a very entertaining anime.
science magic, and a who lot of harem
it is a little disappointing that this show is a bit underrated in the US considering it is by far one of the best series out there. to make thing short and cliched, boy had bad luck with anti-super nature power in his hand who live in a city where everyone have superpower due to science, meet girl who getting chase by people who have supernatural power by magic. cliched and predictable right? yes, but that only the surface of this show. the protagonist is extremely likable in a way that he is the underdog of the show, consider his power is worthless in everyday life, but put in a situation where he must rise to the challenge and become a hero. he fight using wit, skill and word instead of ur average over the top power up. in fact, throu out the show, he didnt receive a single power up, he just enter the tray because he knew that if he didnt help them, nobody will and they are doom, that my friend is what it truthfully mean to be brave, considering he literally have to fight, and...
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