Since this series was never syndicated, finding ways of watching it were tough to say the least. The first season was all we had available on DVD, but that was probably the weakest of all of them.
Sherman Howard makes a welcome change as the new Lex Luthor. His origin of becoming Lex Luthor is a little whacky, and conveniently never referred to again, but he makes a great villain nonetheless. Gerard Christopher taking over the title character is a little awkward if you've just come off of the first season, but he grows into the role nicely as the series progresses. And the stories begin to mature here, as well. They're not as dark in tone was the 3rd and 4th seasons, but they're definitely less campy than the 1st season.
As far as the DVD itself, first of all, I was surprised to find that these are NOT DVD-R's as their description says. These are regular old, factory-pressed DVDs. The audio and picture are greatly improved from the first season, too. You...
Better than season 1 and worth the wait
I had waited so long on Warner to bring out the second season of this series that I had given up. I'm very glad they finally decided to listen to the fans and do a second season. The second season (and season 3 and 4) are much better than season 1. If you are a superman fan (especially of the late seventies version of superman) I think you will like this series. It is NOT dark, it is NOT outstanding special effects, but it IS a very enjoyable story and fun to watch.
Oh and contrary to another viewer's review these discs ARE DVRs (which you can plainly see by looking at the surface of the discs), but they are well done and look very much like factory-made DVDs based on the design and quality of the artwork. I had no problems playing these discs on my Blu-ray player. Warner, please don't make us wait years to bring out the final two seasons of this great series. Highly recommended.
A big difference since season 1
Those of you who were disenchanted with this groundbreaking series, I ask you to please give it a second chance. This second season began new changes which completely took the series in a new direction to become one of the very best incarnations of 'Superman' ever put to film.
When executive producer Ilya Salkind created this series originally it was set at Schuster university. The first season was cheesy and the special effects had much to be desired. The show was in danger of cancellation by the end of the first season so drastic measures were taken to save the show. What they did was genius.
Gone was John Haymes Newton as the lead role replaced by Gerard Christopher. Gone was the poorly casted Scott Wells and replaced by the most noticeable and greatest cast change Sherman Howard who now played a truly sinister Lex Luthor who was inspired by the great Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker in the first Batman movie which, at the time, was still fresh in people's minds...
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